The Botswana Energy Regulatory Authority (BERA) on Tuesday published a press release that noted a
concern that some unlicensed traders are allegedly distributing retail petroleum products around the
country especially in Gaborone.
The perpetrators are said to be using mobile tankers to haul petroleum products and fuel their
customers’ vehicles at public places such as bus ranks, roadsides, shopping malls and office complexes.
The Authority notified the public that retailing of petroleum prodsucts should be done at designated
facilities that mitigates against any safety and environmental risks.
According to the press release, no person is allowed to retail petroleum products unless issued with a
license in accordance with Section 37 (1) (e) of the BERA Act. Moreover, Section 34 of the BERA Act
prohibits provision of a regulated activity without a license and also provides for the necessary
penalties, which includes a maximum fine of up to P30 000 for individuals or 10% of annual turnover for
corporate or imprisonment of up to 5 years or both.
In order to safeguard lives and preserve the environment, the public is advised to refrain from such
actions and immediately report those suspected to be contravening the law to the Authority.